Tässä tulee keskiviikon Blog Hop-postaus Fitztownille. Hyppely alkoi maanantaina ja itse en kuulu hyppelypaikkojen joukkoon, mutta paikat löydät Fitztownin blogista.
Upea maisema kortissani on Morgan Fitzsimonsin piirtämä ja löytyy Fitztown kaupasta nimellä Country Scene 5. Kurki myös muut upeat maisemakuvat. Monesti - ainakin itselläni - maisemakuvia on aivan liian vähän ja niitä voisi yhdistellä kivasti muiden kuvien kanssa. Yhdistämällä maisemakuvia muihin kuviin saa tosi kivoja kokonaisuuksia.
Jos et jostain syystä löydä kaupasta haluamaasi ja olet kuvan jossain postauksessa nähnyt, niin laita viestiä sales@fitztown.com ja mukaan linkki näkemääsi kuvan postaukeen.
Here is my Wednesday Blog Hop DT posting.
I wish you have enjoying our hop and will keep looking the rest card of this week day by day.
My card has made by using this new Country Scene image by Morgan Fitzsimon. Country Scene 5
If you love coloring these new scene images are just for you!! Love all the details on these images. I have colored her image with my Copics as I always do. Please, visit at Fitztown store to check the gorgeous images and other stuff. If you want to buy some images and can't find it in the shop, please send an email to this address: sales@fitztown.com with the link to the image (posting) you wanna have. They are stocking the store and the all images may not be there yet.
My card has made by using this new Country Scene image by Morgan Fitzsimon. Country Scene 5
If you love coloring these new scene images are just for you!! Love all the details on these images. I have colored her image with my Copics as I always do. Please, visit at Fitztown store to check the gorgeous images and other stuff. If you want to buy some images and can't find it in the shop, please send an email to this address: sales@fitztown.com with the link to the image (posting) you wanna have. They are stocking the store and the all images may not be there yet.
Come to join at fun!!